My Blog List

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Martin Luther King, I didn't know him very well but I sure enjoy the holiday!..Thanks Man! So, we had the day off and decided to meet at Franki and Dougs place ( We, being Jerri, "The Parents"-Ray and Jenny, Franki, Doug..I guess that's no suprise since they tend to live there, and me) and then go on to this Irish Sports Bar( McDonovan's..uhm, McDoogles, McAncheese...I mean it WAS last night so how am I supposed to remember, ya know?) to meet up with Jacki and Mark. Oh, just a quick note about Jacki,..I assume she too is a fan of the barter system, like I am, and maybe, that's why she'll trade you a condom( Black) for a menthol premium blend cigarette...different? Yes,... but effective to be sure....She gets the nicotine she needs, and I get something to put over my member in case of a blackout, you know like they had in England during WW II...Don't want the enemy bombers to able to pin point that hospital just because I have "My Goods" out! In fact I truly believe all men should carry black condoms as part of the National Security Act....just to prevent this kind of tragedy. But that's just me. Well Done, Jacki!! Anyroad, we had dinner and the Boy's ( Mark and Doug) and the girl (Jenny) went off to play poker..and they came back in this order. Cool Hand Doug, Mark ( who has the skills of Dustin Hoffman in that movie with Tom(( I'm a crazy Pussy, even though I was in Top Gun)) Cruise, but couldn't get the best of the strange minds of the people he was playing against) and then Jenny...the Quiet One, ( maybe not always). She made it to the BIG rollers table, when she felt that in her heart that she couldn't seperate this "Odd" group of their hard earned dollars, and, well, bowed out...for the good of mankind...or at least this group, anyway. Well Done Jenny!! And Well Done is how these woman prefer their meat! More on that and MLK Day Later.

One small step for Bloggin'

So here I am poised to put my freshly pedicured toe into the vast pool of unknown blogging... I wonder where the ripples will go? Well, to honest it's been at least a year and a half since I had a Pedi, so the freshly part is not quite true, and I have been told that I have "ugly" feet( but really, the only people who say "feet can be pretty" are owners of what they feel are pretty feet, and they live in the Dark Pit of denial) so I doubt I would be putting my toe in any kind of pool, let alone a pool of Blog. But regardless, here I am. My plan is to keep you up to date on what's going on with me and my Families..of which I currently have two. My girlfriend Jerri's and my own...What gets written here will most likely concern these folks, which gets me to thinking, maybe I should ask them if they want to be "Involved" in this. I personally don't see anything wrong with being identified as being held upside down to catch a cool refreshing beer bong hit, or going "Postal" on an innocent young lad just because he was screwin' around and hit your Lexus....But that's just me. I had better give this some thought. Anyway, welcome as we begin to see where the ripples lead us.