My Blog List

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

B'day Aftermath

Time to look back on "The Birthday"....One Year Older? Check! I've always felt a little uncomfortable with this birthday thing, as I'm totally taking some one else's word for all this "important" information. I really don't remember it very clearly. I mean, I've been told March 26,was the date I arrived on the scene but it could have been October for all I know, it's all kind of hazy. And the year? I'm thinking there's a 3 year window of opportunity, where I just don't have a clue and where anyone could have said just about anything and It works for me. Say, 1949 to 1952. Now due to the fact that I'm SO much older than the Love of My Life, The Beautiful Miss Jerri, and seeing this as a chance to close the gap I have decided that 1952 works better for, I just had my 59th birthday! Wow! Next year when I turn 60 I know I'll just be freakin' out about getting old! But, no need to fret about that troubling thought right now! Hmmmm, I was just thinking,...1952 was the year My Sister Debi was born. No problem... I hereby declare us Twins! Works for me...everyone says we look alike.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Tomorrow is My "Special Day!"

So I was driving into work today and I thought "Jesus H. Busciuts and Gravy! I'm almost another year older!" The notion I'm working under is that we have a finite amount of birthdays we are handed us and I was about to use another one up. I remember when I was in first grade and just beginning to feel out this notion of time and lifespan and how it all pertained to me in the Grand Scheme of things when Mrs. Cornblew ( no shit, that was her's no wonder she taught first graders), went around the classroom and told each of us how old we would be in the year 2000. This was 1955 and I was to be 51 in the new millennium she told me. I recall thinking," Fifty Fuckin' One!?!"( well, maybe not in those exact words),"I'll never live that long! That is SO far away I can't even begin to comprehend what this woman in front of the class is talkin' about!" I remember feeling that it was so distant, like one of those stars who's light takes a million, bazillion years to travel the universe and reach earth, this was just something to,...well,..not worry about, and put this information someplace way back in my brain as to not be concerned with, because it really would never happen. But, and isn't there always a but, it has happened. And here I am on the eve of crossing the 62nd birthday..Sum Bitch! People say, "I didn't think you were that old", and I certainly don't feel that old, is what it is. But you know, I'm really happy and I guess if you can honestly say that as each birthday goes by, age really doesn't matter.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A day Later....

Well, here's the deal...I had to set up a new password and username in order to, once again, have the good graces of the Blog Gods shine upon me, allowing Yours Truly, to gently caress you on a semi-regular basis,My Dear Friend, with the splendor that is my mind. Uh,.. scratch splendor and please substitute Garbage...Thank You. So...all systems are Go, we have a green light, the checkered flag has fallen, the thumbs up given, it's full steam ahead as we travel down the Yellow Blog and I,...together,...forever.....well, maybe,.. let's see how this goes first before we make that kind of commitment..K?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Just short of a Year...lost in Life

Hey, so I thought I would post something since it's been, uhm, how you say?..a shitload of time. Once you get this urge and decide to go with it, you are then faced with tasks that require aging brain cells to cooperate in order to push forward with this quaint notion of continuing with " The Blog". Like what? Well, like what is your user name for example. I sat here and just stared and thought, and wondered. Username? It's been a long, long time since I was into the drug using thing, and for the life of me, I didn't really think I had a special name back then,...when I was using that is. I have been called many things at many different times in my life but I don't feel using caused any of them,..I mean,"Asswipe?" I still get that, so username?..not so much. I decided to try and leap the next obstacle ahead in posting to The Blog and deal with this one later. Password...Password? Jeez'N'Peeks, How on earth can I possibly remember what that might be? I get up in the morning and don't remember who I am until I stagger into the bathroom and look in the mirror, and even then my identification is somewhat foggy, to me at least. Jerri sometimes says to me upon waking," Uh, Honey, it's time to get up." And I think, "Hmmm, My name is Honey,..kinda catchy, and sweet, not a bad name to have." And so it goes....and I'm supposed to recall a password I haven't used in just short of 365 days?!? I need to think this out a little more before I can post this...I'll let you know how it goes.