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Monday, February 1, 2010

Aw Come on..I know, I know, I haven't been here for awhile

Is that a Pissyface I see? I'm sorry, really, but remember, "There ain't no Pissyface in Blogball" So get over the fact that I haven't been here to tell you about my Fabulous Life, because you know how it is...Life, Fabulous or not, has a way of getting in the way of stuff..OK? Are we cool? Really? Thanks, I promise I'll try and do better, really, really. So....where was I? Jenny had a Birthday ( it's today actually) and we all wanted to do something "special" to mark the occasion so Jerri, Franki, Doug, me, and the kids all got together to see if we could pull this " special" thing off....and well, we couldn't get this "special" thing done in time so we are shooting for next weekend. I want you to understand I keep using the term "special" not because I'm a Jack-Knob" ( though there is always debate about that), but I'm trying to keep a secret, which it looks as though I'm not too good at because if I were good at it I would not have even mentioned it at all...'OK I am a Jack-Knob. So enough about that. We decided , in the mean time, because of the lack of that "special" thing I'm not talking about, to travel over to Ocean City for a real-live Birthday visit and buy some Dinner for Jenny and Ray. The plan was to go in two cars. A quick word about the Clemons Girls,.. they are the nicest, sweetest girls you'd ever want to meet, but somewhere in that gene pool, which they share, when one is following the other in a motor vehicle, you ARE participating in the Indy 500. When Franki is the pace car and Jerri is the chase, some kind of NASCAR hormone kicks in and well, let me put it this way,...I'm totally blown away at what great time you can make to Ocean City when your minimum speed is 90 mph..I mean, who needs NASCAR in HDTV when you can have it right outside your windshield? Who needs those profiles of Drivers?..I live with one..I know everything I need to know! Who needs to wonder if their medical insurance is payed up? Maybe Me? But, hell, it makes for an interesting and shorter trip so who am I to complain? On a strech of road where you must slow down to 50( Jerri says 50 is only a suggestion) the passing blur cleared enough to make out some detail of what we were going by and I saw a sign that said " FOR SALE-LOG FURNITURE" And I thought, "What a freakin' great idea!"..what you Ladies don't know, is that these logs, us men carry around all day, can be pretty tiring and I often wished I had someplace to rest my Log at the end of a long hard day,...something nice like a loveseat or ottoman, what a swell idea this was! I voiced this to Jerri who looked at me and said, " For someone as old as you, you sure are stupid". I took this as a" no we won't be stopping for Log Furniture" and though disappointed I was determined to put this behind me and make the day a special one. That's it for now..but there is more to tell, including a story about a Turd SO big a man had to beat it with a stick! An Irish resturant that served Scottish Food!! And a Rest Stop that had a guy in a booth giving coffe away for Free!! Even Hot Chocolate!!!! OMG!! Stay Tuned.

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